ISA Debate Society (ISA-DS) started around 2017-2018 with just four members and an adviser. The club has thrived since then on and won various debate competitions. The club focuses on enhancing the debating skills of the members while enjoying the process. The club undergoes continuous changes and progress to cater to the growing needs of the members. It is a club that is fun, exciting, and thriving.
To create a safe place to express candid opinions and thoughts. We believe that debating is for everyone. We believe that learners fear debate and we want to dispel this fear and illusion. Debating does not have to be a structured and fixed activity. It should have many outlets, competition is certainly one, but other forms of outlets, especially more relaxed and recreational ones, should be explored to defuse the usual tension that comes with only competitive debating.
Core Executive
Vice President
Director for Publicity and Communications
Director for Training
Socials Secretary
Competitions Secretary
Ms. Cheyenne Refugio
Ms. Geraldine Genebraldo
Grade Level Qualification: Grade 7 – Grade 12
Grade Qualification: No failing grade in any subject
Quiz Privilege: Mathematics
An activity where club members meet regularly to discuss general issues. These can be current issues or themed issues.
Monthly competitions will be held based on the different aspects of debate whether it’s arguing, analysis, or opinions. Official debate competitions will have their own certain value of points.
Each class will have an elimination based on the skill of their respective learners and classes. Those chosen by each class will undergo a debate tournament with a modified format to adapt to beginners allowing for maximum interactivity and minimal stress and formality.
This will be an event based on the presidential election campaign between parties or the independent candidates against those in their respective positions. This will take place right before the campaigning period ends in order to ensure a fair and manageable debate.
A yearly welcoming gathering for members and non-members of the club at the opening of the class. Activities will cater to the basic elements of debating in a simplified or piecemeal format allowing members and non- members to mingle and participate in a casual social setting with none of the usual negative stigma attached to debate.
We will sponsor a debate with fees for either entrance and sit-ins in order to raise and gain monetary funds for the school year to monopolize and create incentives for our fellow members.
Members will attend quarterly seminars where they will be taught and trained about debate.
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