Spectrum Photographers' Guild of ISA


Spectrum was founded in 2010 and brought together ISA photography enthusiasts who shared common goals: to hone their artistic ability through photography, and to enrich school life through traveling. The club, being associated with the ISA Summer Photography Program, has become the venue where the learners continue to hone their skills in taking pictures even after attending the summer photography class.

In more than a decade of existence, it staged 3 major photo exhibits and spearheaded several photo tours in and out of the country.

Spectrum remains true to its mission which is to hone the artistic ability and enrich the learners’ experience through photography- related activities. It will continue to be a venue of dynamic conversations about art, travel stories, and other life experiences. Further, SPECTRUM will carry its latent function that is nurturing meaningful connections that can last for a lifetime.

Capturing Stories of Life


To provide a platform where learners can express themselves in the form of photography, and to enrich their life experience through learning beyond the four walls of the classrooms, building meaningful connections, and snapping beautiful stories around to inspire others.

Spectrum Officer Positions


Vice President (Internal)

Vice President (External)


Finance Officer

Spectrum Advisers

Mr. Joshua Babas

Ms. Vianney Jazul

Membership and Privileges

Grade Level Qualification: Grade 7 – Grade 12

Quiz Privilege: Social Studies

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Notable Activities and Events


A photo contest will be held once a month exclusive for SPECTRUM members. The contest will be based on a theme. Each member shall participate in each month’s PhotoCup.

At the end of the year, the member with the most number of winning pictures will be awarded as Photographer of the Year!


Consistent with our purpose which is to develop the artistry of the learners and to enrich their experience, a well-guided photo tour will be held every quarter in the local tourist destinations. PhotoTours are exclusive for SPECTRUM members.


A bi-annual seminar-workshop in photography will be held among members of the club. Resource persons, local and international, will be tapped to give updates on the new trends in photography and to inspire the learners with their travel stories. A special PhotoSkwela will be held during the opening of the school year or during the recruitment stage for the aspiring members of SPECTRUM.


A Photo Exhibit will be an annual project of SPECTRUM for the members to communicate their artistry to a wider audience, and to promote photography as a life-enriching hobby. Further, the exhibit will also showcase their progress in photography brought by their active involvement in the club’s activities.


This is a national/international photography tour once every two years where club members gather together to discover and document the chosen destination’s unique culture. With its holistic nature, the members will have the chance to discover more about themselves and relate with others. They will have the opportunity to see life from different perspectives which will bring motivation and inspiration to them.


A seminar-workshop conducted by the club for non-members. The main purpose of this activity is to raise funds for the club’s future projects.

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