
Virtue, then Excellence.

We believe that virtue begins at the level of the self but necessarily culminates at the level of the community.

Beyond the character formation that is already infused in our daily classroom instruction, our virtue-centered programs invite ISAers to not only look deep inward at the self through recollections and virtue talks, but to also be aware of their impact to the community around them through community outreach programs and relief operations.

Retreats and Recollections

Annual recollections and retreats allow learners to take a break from regular classes to reflect, rest, and share with their classmates. Character begins with the self.

Outreach Programs

Expanding the community beyond the school. Every year, ISAers from different levels spend quality time with friends from other communities, such as the SOS Children’s Village and the Regional Rehabilitation Center for Youth.

Virtue Talk Series

Aligned with the virtue of the month, talks featuring invited speakers keep these virtues relevant and open learners and parents up to various perspectives and insights.

Community Service

Our Citizen Advancement Training (CAT) program centers on community service, where ISAers share and introduce their appreciation for reading and for Chinese language and culture. They also participate in city programs, such as cleanup and donation drives.

Relief Operations

The ISAers are always ready to conduct relief operations and donation drives to extend a helping hand during times of adversity.

Christmas Gift-Giving

As a Christmas tradition, the Learner Council heads the annual Christmas Gift-giving celebration, where learnings share the holiday cheer with families in the local community.

Virtue in the Everyday

On one hand, through our annual character formation and community involvement programs, we guide our learners to develop character by exploring their hearts, minds, and their community.

On the other hand, a substantial bulk of our commitment to guiding ISAers in their pursuit of virtue and excellence is rooted in the everyday, as they build the foundation of mental fortitude, collaborative effort, and global awareness. Everyday, this foundation is nurtured through their committed facilitators and the learning environment fostered in campus.

Your journey with ISA begins here. View our application process or contact us to learn more about our programs.