By Lisa Anne Ong (Grade 10 – Luna)
This is a frequent question that we ask ourselves as we grow. You may have even fooled yourself into thinking you’ve become a better person while your mindset is still exactly as it was before.
Change is an initiation to become different. It is doable if you truly make up your mind to desire it. Your mindset transforms once you see things from a different perspective. Your attitude improves after learning a more respectful virtue. These are changes that you can do, but if you never try, you’ll always be at step zero. As to why you still didn’t change, it is because you don’t carry the changes with you.
It is the same as learning. If you do not review what you’ve learned, you will eventually forget it no matter how good you scored before. Likewise, a proud person learning to be giving but doesn’t give to others is a sign that he/she still hasn’t changed.
1. First, ask yourself these questions: Do you still feel regret, guilt, or anger? Do you still chastise yourself for making those mistakes in the past? If no, you don’t feel or do any of these things, that’s great! It’s a sign you’ve changed. If yes, you’re still feeling and doing these things, it means you haven’t completely let go of the things that shackle you to the past. You never really gave time to forgive and forget. Maybe, things didn’t go the way you wanted them to go and you blame yourself for that.
“Every day the clock resets. Your wins don’t matter. Your failures don’t matter. Don’t stress on what was, fight for what could be.” -Sean Higgins
You must not overthink the what-ifs because if it could have, it would have. Mistakes are perfectly normal. Think of them as catalysts to your growth. Stop downgrading and comparing yourself to others. You are you; they are them. Never let anyone decide who or what you should be.
The first step is to love yourself and accept everything that has already happened. Don’t beat yourself up for not being unique or not saying something in the past. Leave room for the future and none for the past. We have to keep moving on.
2. Are you striving to be better? Were you able to set a goal for yourself?
If you have fully moved on, have you taken a step forward? If yes, then that is amazing! You are fighting for a better you. You are starting to see the world in a new light. If no, one doesn’t move by being complacent with everything and not trying to change anything. Whether you are positively going forward or staying in the same place, it all depends on you and your choices.
“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” -Maya Angelou
You always have another option; never think you’re only limited to two. Goals are meant to give you something to work for. The process ensures motivation, hard-work, and growth.
After you accomplish your motive, you will evolve and find out that you could do the things you never thought you could. The only thing you need to sacrifice is your time, and it’s worth it for sure.
Success does not come from luck. You need patience and the willingness to try different things. Don’t give up once you fail. Use those failures as fuel to succeed!
3. Lastly, have you started?
“Just take any step, whether small or large. And then another and repeat day after day.
It may take months, maybe years, but the path to success will become clear.” -Aaron Ross
Change does not come if you wait for someone or something. It starts from you; you have to be the one initiating it. Stop saying you’ll change; instead, try to do it. We all know change starts with us. It is a slow process; therefore, don’t rush it. Rushing only produces half-baked results. Surround yourself with positivity. You don’t need distractions or pessimistic thoughts. But most importantly, you don’t have to think so much about changing. Some things don’t have to change the world to be important. (Steve Jobs).