ISA holds talk on patriotism for Grades 10-12 learners

By Samantha Mok

Thoughts were provoked and ideas were exchanged as learners from Grades 10-12 and speaker Asec. Rhea Peñaflor from DSWD engage in an informative and interactive discussion on patriotism held from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. today, October 8, 2021.

The talk started off with a prayer, followed by the opening remarks from Executive Director Mr. Peter M. Chan and an introduction to the speaker by facilitator Mr. Rodgen M. Jabor. Asec. Peñaflor then addressed the several areas of patriotism: common misconceptions, definitions, types, aspects, and its significance and value in today’s world.

Learners were also called upon to give their opinions and presumptions on the said topic, and what takeaways they got after the discussion. When asked about how she found the talk, a Grade 10 learner said, “It was an eye opener. It made me realize that I could do something even if I’m still a student, and there are so many things about patriotism that we haven’t learned until this talk.”

The event came to a close with an awarding of a certificate of appreciation to the speaker, followed by a photo op.
