ISA organizes Online Recollection for G7 learners

By Carla Sophia Sayomac (Grade 7 Li Bai)

Despite the situation that we are currently experiencing, Iloilo Scholastic Academy (ISA) held an online recollection for her Grade 7 learners through a Zoom meeting on September 28, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The Grade 7 learners and their advisers were joined by Sr. Fidelis Estrada, the speaker for the said recollection, with the theme “Do your eyes see? Do your ears hear?” Sr. Fidelis is no longer a stranger to the ISAers, as she was a speaker for recollections held in the previous years as well.

Before the activity started, a prayer was uttered for guidance and wisdom for the day’s undertaking. It was followed by an introduction of the speaker by Ms. Cloj Pasha Lato, a facilitator. The talk focused on the values of gratitude, respect, love, and faith to God. All of these values make up a good and upright person.

“Reflect, see, and hear not only the physical reality but also see and hear what goes through our mind,” said Sr. Fidelis.

Reflection and sharing among the learners on the topics that were discussed made the activity more interesting and productive, as they were able to bring out their thoughts and emotions smoothly.

An ISAer had stated, “ Learn how to appreciate not only the big things but also the small things, and learn to understand them better.”
