By Patricia Gaille Tiu (Grade 10 – Luna)
With the present circumstances limiting certain aspects in our community, such as social interaction and public health, it seems almost unreal to think that eight months have already passed since the beginning of the community quarantine. Because of this, it may be difficult to see our cups as half-full. When we think of all our loved ones and what they are at risk of, this kind of stress is enough to put a toll on anybody’s mental state. It is perfectly normal to worry, but it is perfectly dangerous as well.
Although we may recognize the importance of taking care of our mental health, there are moments where we forget and stress over other matters, be it online classes, or external factors. Sometimes, we get carried away and forget to take care of ourselves. So, here are a few tips and reminders to help you as you go along with the regularities of day-to-day life.
First off, make healthy choices! When we remember to take care of our physical state, our mind is able to follow through. Keeping up with a healthy diet, proper hydration, and getting regular sleep everyday are all essential in building up our immune system – something we need to prioritize, especially during these times. Once we decide to take a break from our devices and learn that our time can be put to better use by taking a walk, performing breathing exercise, or finding other ways to stay productive, we may find that handling the stresses of life is far more manageable. For more information on how to stay productive, you can check out our earlier article “How to stay productive at home”.
Set your limitations! When you have a pile of schoolwork and extra-curricular activities burdening you to the point of exhaustion, know what you can finish and what you can set aside for later. Through this, you are able give yourself some leeway by taking a well-deserved break, all the while managing your work in the right mental state. Practicing effective time management will help you be able to distinguish the line between procrastination and overworking – which can definitely be done with the right motivations and coordination.
In addition, learn to manage your news intake. Staying informed with updates on the pandemic may be useful and helpful, but just like everything else we do, we should do in moderation. Remember that you are human, and that your mental health can only handle so much. Look for reliable news sources and detach yourself from social media if you feel too overwhelmed.
Have the proper coping mechanisms to help deal with stress factors. Resorting to methods such as “stress-eating”, the excessive intake of alcohol, and the excessive use of our gadgets are likely to cause unfavorable outcomes to both our physical and mental health. Rather, the preferable methods may vary from listening to our favorite songs, exercising, meditating, and sleeping. You can even try to pick up a new hobby! Journaling and counseling are incredible ways for you to express your thoughts and feelings, as well as to learn new things about yourself.
Keep in touch with friends. The pandemic has caused a border separation in terms of social interaction. As humans, we are naturally social creatures, and the circumstances may cause one to feel isolated, bored, and constantly worried about our loved ones. But friends are never too far away. Have a good support system that believes and inspires you, and return to them the same sentiment. No matter how small your contribution may seem to our community, it is never small enough to not matter.
Last but not the least, maintain a positive mentality. Tunneling on negative thoughts is easy; it comes naturally. We often find it difficult to think on the brighter end of the spectrum, but it is not impossible. The balance between thinking positively and realistically takes tough effort; however, the results can perform wonders to our view of life and the struggles that come along with it.