by Pauline Abigail Mandalupe (Grade 6 – Zhang Heng)
The world is a big circle of diversity. Choices, genders, race, nationality, beliefs, religions, they’re all diverse. People make choices. And you can never control someone’s heart. The best we could do is to maintain unity in diversity. Living in one planet, people need to respect each other’s choices as well as political, economic and social background and allow human interactions and decisions without questioning. Respect is essential to the success of any expedition in life. With such, we could unite despite our diversity.
Respecting everybody’s differences creates more open relationship and enhances the quality of teamwork and cooperation. With such, trust and holding among individuals would improve and the coordination and collaboration would turn out to be extremely effective. Respect is very important part of life. If a person didn’t respect anyone, he/she would not be admired, and over time, he would grow up to be a cruel and inconsiderate person.
Thankfully, we are also all united in the saving grace of Jesus Christ Our Only God. Some of us may hold different beliefs on how exactly Christ’s atoning on the cross affects us today. Still, the fact that we’ve all been saved should be enough for us to rejoice and unite despite diversity.
Lastly, the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor even touched, but just felt in the heart. They inevitably develop respect for one another and promote true happiness and healthier life. Despite our diversity we must unite because in the eyes of our GOD Jesus Christ, we’re all equal. We Are One.