Club Assembly


Teaching Takes Time

By Issa Belle Klarisse Chan (Grade 7 – Lu Xun) I have never really tried paying any attention to younger kids, or people younger than my age group in general. I am also not the type of person you see on the street smiling with my family, craving attention. I can’t even ask a waiter...
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Who Makes a Better Leader: Someone Who is Loved, or Someone Who is Feared

By Patricia Gaille Tiu (Grade 10 – Luna) “And here comes in the question whether it is better to be loved rather than feared or feared rather than loved. It might perhaps be answered that we should wish to be both; but since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between...
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ISA Debate Society Launches First Debate Seminar

By Lisa Anne Ong (Grade 10 – Luna) “Debate will really guide you in life; It’s going to help you find the confidence in yourself,” said Faith Emerene Alarde, guest speaker of UPDC. To nurture young ISAers into debaters, the First Debate Seminar hosted by UPDC started at 4 p.m. on December 4 via zoom...
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Just the Same as Humans

By Francesca Ean Alexis Tiu (Grade 8 – Jacinto) Plants are very simple in everyday life, yet they hold a mystery that isn’t easily solved through the plain eye. Each plant carries its own character, own soul, and own quirks that make it stand out. I grinned at the sight of my mother’s garden, my...
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Who and What Kinds Of Characters Should Authors Be Writing About

By John Alexander C. Agujetas (Grade 9) It should come as no surprise that authors are divisive. Frankly, it’s likely that no other profession has had the profound, mind-altering and thought-provoking effect that authors have caused through the years, all of them in different cultures, affecting different people and their different minds. There’s always room...
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What the Heart Wants

By Lisa Anne Ong (Grade 10 – Luna) Antoine de Saint-Exupéry may have given up on his dream to be an artist; however, he never once forgot how it was like to have that ambition as a child. After four years, I read ‘The Little Prince’ again to realize that no matter how many times...
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By Sofia Geolingo (Grade 8 – Bonifacio) Like intersecting linesTwo different pathsCrossed each otherAs they meet at a pointThey were bounded by their destinies To be a part of one another’s livesTo be able to turn each other’s world An entire 180 degrees Even if it was just a small moment in time, Even if...
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ISA Science Fair Goes Virtual

by Patricia Gaille Tiu (Grade 10 – Luna) Earlier today, the Iloilo Scholastic Academy (ISA) community participated in the 7th installation of Science in Action in the safety of their homes via the Zoom platform. The opening program was hosted by the ISA Learners’ Council President Sean Lao and Vice President Anton Ang. The program...
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Quarantine Tips for Mental Wellness

By Patricia Gaille Tiu (Grade 10 – Luna) With the present circumstances limiting certain aspects in our community, such as social interaction and public health, it seems almost unreal to think that eight months have already passed since the beginning of the community quarantine. Because of this, it may be difficult to see our cups...
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This is Normal

By Samantha Mok (Grade 9 – Mendeleev) Monday morning. Sunlight filters through the window, casting a golden glow on the translucent curtains. There was a distinguishable smell of air conditioner, mingled with the faint smell of toast wafting through the air. It was just like any other Monday morning. Warmth, fatigue, and the urge to...
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