Club Assembly


How to Know if You’ve Truly Changed at Heart

By Lisa Anne Ong (Grade 10 – Luna) This is a frequent question that we ask ourselves as we grow. You may have even fooled yourself into thinking you’ve become a better person while your mindset is still exactly as it was before. Change is an initiation to become different. It is doable if you...
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The Hope We Choose to Light

By Franchesca Ean Alexis Tiu (Grade 8 – Jacinto) The world around us continues to sink deeper into darkness; the thinnest silver of light is now nowhere to be found. We try our best to defeat the pull of the watery depths in an attempt to escape to the surface of the ocean where daybreak...
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Life in the Pandemic

By Kim Tubongbanwa (Grade 7 – Lu Xun) The life before quarantine was filled with noise during the day and night in the city, and being free to go anywhere without the discomfort of wearing masks. Going out with friends while social distancing is something we didn’t need to keep in mind before. We never...
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Productivity at Home

By Divine Grace Llamas (Grade 10 – Rizal) “Three to four hours a day, five days a week of uninterrupted and carefully directed concentration, it turns out, can produce a lot of valuable output.” Cal Newport, Deep Work. With all the time in our hands due to the global pandemic and the need to stay...
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ISAers Celebrate 17th Founding Anniversary Celebration

By Divine Grace Llamas (Grade 10 – Rizal) In celebration of the 17th ISA Day and the Mid-Autumn Festival, ISAers marched on in the midst of adversities this morning, October 1, 2020. Each learner displayed his/her heartfelt messages to ISA through video presentations with the common theme: #ILOVEISA. ISA also participated in the Mid-Autumn Festival...
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ISA-LC Holds Tie-Dye Workshop for COVID-19 Response

Iloilo Scholastic Academy recently held the Tie-Dye Kit Workshop, a fund-raising activity arranged by the ISA Learner Council (ISA LC) in collaboration with Tie-Dye Manila. This event happened last October 10 in the homes of the students. The event started with the introduction of the Tie-Dye Manila project and team to the students and parents...
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Strengthening nationalism amidst crisis: ISA HOLDS VIRTUAL BUWAN NG WIKA

by Patricia Gaille Tiu (Grade 10 – Luna) With the theme “Wika ng Kasaysayan, Kasaysayan ng Wika: Ang mga Katutubong Wika sa Maka-Filipinong Bayanihan Kontra Pandemya”, Iloilo Scholastic Academy hosted the first ever virtual Buwan ng Wikang Pambansa last August 20, 2020. The program consisted of performances by the ISA learners and facilitators, as well...
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花开新时代(第一期) 登于《世界日报》2018年 范晴云 那年爷爷还在世,我时不时会回到乡下看望他。 每一次我都很期待见到他,可是见到他后又有止不住的小脾气,但我也是尊敬他的。 爷爷是一位人民教师,五十岁退休后就在家中养老。没事种种花,读读书。他常与我说道:“做人啊,要活到老,学到老。要不断汲取知识,才能跟上时代。”小时的我还是一脸不以为然。他儿孙满堂,还有什么不满足的呢? 每一次回家都会见到一个在桂花树下看书的爷爷,那棵桂花树才刚好一人高,我轻轻一跳,就能碰到。他很忙,忙着种花,忙着学习,就是没时间陪我玩。我很生气。     一次,爷爷举着一张报纸小心地凑到我跟前:“这一段,你说说,到底是什么意思?”我不耐烦地推掉,说:“ 您学那玩意儿有用吗?就算都看懂了您就厉害了?”报纸轻飘飘地掉在地下。我依稀还记得,他扶着老花镜,佝偻着腰捡报纸的模样。     他又说了那句:“做人,要活到老,学到老。”他还是慈祥依旧,但我好像明白什么。     我抬头看他,眼里毫无对我的责备。     后来,我时常梦到爷爷在桂花树下学习的场景。那年星光璀璨,深空浩瀚。     我这才明白,曾经他为什么执意学习,不让自己闲着。他只不过是为了劳动,一辈子勤劳惯了,不满足如此安逸吧。不过这不满足或许还要更远大一些,他说过:“要跟上时代。”     爷爷高龄九十,逝世。这一辈子都在努力学习,都在努力跟上时代。     我才开始后悔,当初愚昧的自己。后来我回到乡下,桂花树已早已参天,花开花落,但再也不见那个身影。如果时间能重来啊,我想在你的眼里撒野奔跑,想和你一起努力到老。
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花开新时代(第一期) 登于《世界日报》2018年 严彩洹 我倚在窗边读着书,那山雨的音韵美,山雨的色泽美和雨过天晴的幽静让我陶醉在这幅山雨的美卷中。普普通通的一场山雨在作者笔下活灵活现,那歌谣般的沙拉声,那水淋淋的嫩绿跃然纸上,也让我领略到了大自然的美。 现在虽然已经是傍晚,但天还微微明亮。突然外面也飘飘洒洒的下起雨来,叮咚叮咚的声响不停的敲击着屋顶,显得铿锵有力。伴随着这突如其来的雨,天空慢慢暗了下来,我静静的看着暮色织过对面的楼顶,雨也仿佛给天空套上了一层朦朦胧胧的纱衣。渐渐的泥土和青草的味道在空气中弥漫开来,这是大自然的芬芳。风吹起树叶,雨水节奏般的从枝叶滴落像是一场交响曲汇聚在一起,在暮色的映衬下犹如在大地上绘制的油画。 雨,原来可以这样美,让人如痴如醉。
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花开新时代(第一期) 登于《世界日报》2018年 施恬美 生活总有起起落落,但我们不要只因为一次失败就放弃了决心想要达到的目的。我们必须从经验中学习。今天我学习了《顶碗少年》这篇文章,故事里的少年失败了两次,但他没有丧失希望,不断努力最终获得了成功,所以我很佩服他的毅力。 我也经历过同样的事情。记得还在读小六的时候,我参加了学校举行的一个歌唱比赛,我从小就喜欢唱歌,很多人也知道我会唱歌,他们都对我这次比赛充满了信心。但在比赛前的两个星期,我突然感冒了,嗓子很疼,一直到比赛那天感冒都没有好,虽然我吃了很多药,但是嗓子还是疼的很厉害。但是我跟自己说:我还要参加比赛,因为我已经练了很长时间,我也不想轻易的就放弃这次比赛。比赛开始了,我开始唱的时候声音还可以,但是到了高音时,因为嗓子疼的厉害我唱走调了,听众们很逗都震惊了,他们不相信我会唱成这样,看着他们惊呆的表情我感觉很丢脸,但是我在内心里不断鼓励自己,给自己加油,最终我还是坚持唱完了那首歌。 唱完以后我垂头丧气地离开了舞台,我知道自己表演的并不好,所以当最后比赛结束我发现我还拿了第三名的时候,我很惊讶。我问我的音乐老师为什么是这样,她说:这很正常啊,就算是著名的歌星也会遇到一些情况,也可能经历一些想不到的事情,但是只要你有自信,不要有悲观的心情,就一定能成功;今天虽然唱的有点不好的地方,但是正是因为你的坚持才让你能出色的发挥。我的家人也对我的表现很高兴,他们对我的鼓励和支持让我充满自信,继续喜欢歌唱。 从顶碗少年的故事和我的经历,让我明白了失败是很正常的,我们面对失败的时候绝不要放弃,只要你坚持就一定会获得成功!
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