Club Assembly


A National Heroes’ Day Tribute by the ISA Junior Scholars

“Only he is truly a patriot who, whatever his post, high or low, tries to do the greatest possible good to his countrymen.” —Apolinario Mabini As you go through the works penned by their respective artists as tribute to those who dedicate their lives to the betterment of ours, don’t forget to thank and honor...
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ISA Holds Virtual Buwan ng Wika

by William Gocheco Iloilo Scholastic Academy (ISA) celebrates Buwan ng Wika with a dazzling program on August 27, 2021 filled with amazing performances by the learners to commemmorate the Filipino language and culture. Even through the pandemic, ISA is determined to hold a program to show its appreciation by holding it in Zoom, where all...
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Learning in the Midst of a Pandemic

By Keren Ahhi Schools have resorted to online learning to pursue education while in a pandemic and with a new learning system, learners find themselves making many adjustments to their study habits ever so often. I have found that studying together with other classmates has been effective in this current learning approach. It allows learners...
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Beauty Is Not a Box

By Tracy GoonetillekeArt by Theone Tiu Slim waist, big butt and chest, today’s beauty standards are jaw dropping for the average woman. For many years, the size 0 body measurements and hourglass figure were things the general public expected “beautiful” women to have. Along with these came the love for a button nose and glass...
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Paint Your Canvas

By Francesca Ean TiuArt by Theone Tiu Standing in front of a blank canvas, a learner holds a paintbrush to it. His lips press together in a straight line before filling the white space with bursts of color. Hues, shades and vibrance bring light to the once dull world, taking the form of a beautiful...
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The Hindrance to Achieving Global Sustainable Development in Many Countries: Corruption

By Divine Grace LlamasArt by Theone Tiu “Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time.” -Ruth Bader Ginsburg There are a handful of global issues our world has to face. We have poverty, food scarcity, and quality education, which are one of the many sustainable development goals of our global society. These are...
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Education Through the Screen

By Patricia Gaille TiuArt by Justin Wingkee Given present situations and the subsequent halt to traditional on-campus education, it is no surprise that educational institutions have resorted to virtual means of learning and communication. As virtual learning is not a novel development, it presents itself as the appropriate alternative in terms of education due to...
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The Upcoming Unknown

by Samantha MokArt by Theone Tiu You’re staring at the future.And it stares hauntingly back.Transparent yet opaque,So vague yet so clear, so far awayIndefinitely defined.You try to reach for itSo, you move. A second, an hour, a day, a yearYou move towards it, whether a tiptoe or a stride.Is what’s at your feet a minefield...
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ISA Junior Scholars All Set for 2021

Members of the ISA Junior Scholars met via Zoom to launch the school’s official learner publication for the school year 2021-2022. In a post on Facebook from the official Junior Scholars page, ISAer Samantha Mok welcomes the publications newest members with the caption: “Behold, the members of the ISA Junior Scholars in their first official...
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洪福仁在高中部毕业典礼上的致辞 十四年 —— 这是我在母校的校园里度过的光阴。我能清晰地记得疫情之前的那段时光:在清晨走进校园,迎着我的是保安叔叔的笑脸;一整天,老师们、同学们,还有学校职工,沿着走廊忙于各自的事务,但笑容始终在每个人的脸上浮现。我的耳边时刻会传来从附近教室里发出来的喧闹声。临到傍晚,父母们开着车在校门外等候我们,等候我们的还有家中厨房里丰盛的晚餐。 亲爱的老师们,从入学的那一天起,你们的耐心和支持就一直陪伴着我,从未停止过。对于那些满怀诚意,在我遇到困难的时刻帮助过我的人,我深表感恩。在我需要一些建议的时候,你们始终在那里倾听、思考,为我指点迷津 ,永远像一面坚实的墙壁供我依靠、给我力量。正是因为有你们无私的帮助,我才成为今天的我。虽然我还远未达到完美的状态,但能走到我今天的位置上,本身就是一项光荣的成就。感谢你们曾经给予我的力量和指引,我将带着它,继续奋力前行。 亲爱的父母亲,过去的几年我们经受了几次考验,我深知你们对我的爱。有了你们的爱,我才得以健康成长。作为你们的独生子,我在这里向你们许下诺言:我将尽我所能,回报你们的辛苦,使你们的付出不会白费。我们的年龄可能相差甚远,但是弥合这一差距的,将是我们彼此的爱。我发誓我会尽我所能实现你们的梦想,也是我们的梦想。 亲爱的青年人,我的同学们,今后的生活还有很多事情要做,这取决于我们是否能抓住摆在我们面前的机会,使未来的世界成为一个更美好的家园。我们憧憬未来,同时也对未来心怀恐惧、焦虑和疑(yí)惑。但是,我们要始终牢记,我们必须对自己的目标、梦想以及对自己、对家庭和对世界的期望抱有信心,并付诸行动。 亲爱的同学们,感谢你们的耐心陪伴,每一次合作,每一次分享,每一次快乐的瞬间,都定格在我们共同度过的美好时光,永远令人怀念。我深爱我们的班级,我为能成为这个出色班级的一员而感到无比的荣幸。你们也即将进入生活的新阶段,我将很乐意一直在这里为你们提供支持和帮助,并知道如果将来遇到什么问题,我们总是可以互相依靠。 “欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。” 借此,我祝大家一路顺风,梦想成真。并祝学弟、学妹们日日精进,学有所成。谢谢。
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